Coming clean II

Bar of soap on the windowsill in the bathroom, by the muted sunlight coming in the window. (Same as with the previous post.) For these, however, I played around with setting the white balance for fluourescent, which created a bit more blue tint to the colors.

10 Feb 2009

Coming clean

Bar of soap on the windowsill of the bathroom, through the muted sunlight coming through the screen (see last shot).

10 Feb 2009

Branching out

Half moon straight overhead with pine tree, at dusk.

11 Apr 2008

Rocks over the garage

Over a garage of an apartment building down the street is this rock sculpture on the wall with a single bulb, which casts interesting shafts of light at night.

13 Feb 2009


Four Arches sculpture outside 333 South Hope Street in downtown Los Angeles.

(The light illuminating it from the left is actually from a construction crew doing refurbishments to the building.)

16 Jan 2009

Flowers in morn

Flowers and leaves in morning sunlight.

18 Nov 2008

Waffle 3

A leftover waffle proved a worthy subject for photography.

16 Nov 2008

Waffle 2

After breakfast one Sunday morning, I didn't throw out this leftover waffle; I turned it into a model. Lighting provided by sunlight coming in through slots in the kitchen blinds.

16 Nov 2008


After breakfast one Sunday morning, I didn't throw out this leftover waffle; I turned it into a model. Lighting provided by sunlight coming in through slots in the kitchen blinds.

16 Nov 2008