Up in arms

Some people take pictures of people on Thanksgiving. Some people take pictures of the turkey. I took these shots of the arm of a chair in the host's living room. I presume it was antique.


  1. I was wondering: what kind of lighting? A mix of indoor-outdoor?
    Light sources?

    Good job of capturing the texture.

    But how did you explain what you wanted to do to your host? Or did that person already understand the "bug" in shutterbug?


  2. Thanks, Ray. The light was strictly indoor, from torche-style lamps as I recall.

    I had been taking pictures of the adorable two-year-old who was delighting everyone with his antics, and I was already sitting in the chair, so it wasn't tricky to sneak in a few of these artsy shots.

    And these people are somewhat accustomed to these antics from me, so no explanations are necessary. They understand the bug, and I did spend more time socializing that shooting, so it's not like I was ignoring everyone for photography the whole night.

    (Sorry, the kid shots are not for public consumption.)
